My journey

from chemical engineering to fashion entrepreneurship has taught me the critical importance of crafting seamless and holistic experiences for designers, partners, shipping companies, and customers.

Building my brand, which was showcased on Fashion TV and featured in Italian Vogue, was a source of immense pride for me. While recognition was not my primary goal, these achievements reaffirmed the value of creating impactful experiences.

Alongside my entrepreneurial ventures, I have also deep dive into product design, further reinforcing my commitment to crafting user-centric experiences.

You can view my professional journey in my resume and explore my Work examples. Connect with me on LinkedIn.

Outside work, I enjoy contributing to social impact initiatives through Design Thinking Games.

These experiences have helped shape my leadership philosophy - intentionality and authenticity.

Leadership philosophy


guides not only my actions but also my thoughts and words. I believe in being deliberate and purposeful in everything I do, from the way I lead teams to the way I communicate with others.

By being intentional with my thoughts, I ensure clarity of vision and alignment with our goals.


is another cornerstone of my leadership approach. I strive to be genuine, transparent, and true to myself in all aspects of my work. By fostering an environment of openness and trust, I empower teams to collaborate effectively and achieve collective success.

These values guide me in creating inclusive and empowering experiences, both within my teams and in the broader community. By staying true to our intentions and authentic selves, we can bring about positive changes and make a lasting impact on the world around us.

I firmly believe in the transformative power of design to drive this change, and I invite you to join me on this journey.